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Trucks & Equipment


Pumper/Engine – This is our primary response vehicle.  It both carries (1000 gallons) and pumps water.  It also holds a large supply of hose as well as a variety of tools and equipment that firefighters use for a wide range of incidents.


Tanker/Tender – As the name implies, this truck's primary purpose is to haul water to a fire scene.  It holds 1750 gallons and carries a "drop tank" that can be set up as a portable water source for the pumper.  These trucks are common in rural areas that do not have a dedicated water system with hydrants. 

Brush/Rescue Truck -- The department is currently in need of a third vehicle to be able to respond to situations with limited access or special equipment (wildland fires, extrication, off-road incidents).  

The current station is extremely limited on what truck will fit in the third bay, and this issue continues to be a challenge.

Hydrants – You may hear the term 'hydrant' used, but in this area it refers only to dry hydrants.  Dry hydrants consist of a length of pipe that goes directly to a natural body of water (e.g. lake, stream).  It gives more direct access to a water source.  These are different from hydrants you see in cities, but still need maintenance. 


If you have a site on your property where you would be interested in having a dry hydrant installed, please contact the fire department.  We would be happy to assist you in the permitting and installation process if your site is suitable.  

onota fire
onota twp fire
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